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Data Security Services: Why Managed Backup Is a Must for Modern Businesses

managed data backup

Data loss happens. Whether from human error or a targeted cyberattack, data loss occurs every day across the globe. Yet only 41% of data is backed up daily. And approximately 25% of IT managers are only backing up data once a month.

It’s not that we don’t want to back up our data—but in-house IT teams are often stretched thin and other business priorities often demand their focus.

The good news? You don’t have to manage your data backup in-house. The right data security management partner can help you safeguard your data, while also freeing your team’s time to focus on growing your core business.

Managed Data Backup: Your Knight in Digital Armor

Best practices for data backup suggest you follow the 3-2-1-1-0 rule:

  • Have at least 3 copies of your data
  • Store them on 2 different storage mediums
  • At least 1 of those copies should reside off-premises
  • 1 copy should be air-gapped or immutable
  • All should have 0 errors or failures.

That’s a lot of work. But with a managed backup partner, you’re able to hand all that day-to-day work over to a team of experts. They’ll provide specialized expertise, greater efficiency, and a level of focus on data security management that can be difficult to achieve in-house.

And a managed backup partner will be flexible enough to be a fit, whether you need enterprise data security or small business-level data safety monitoring.

Continuous Backup Management: More Than Just Storage

Aside from taking day-to-day tasks off your IT team’s plate, working with a partner for data backup management also elevates your data security game. Managed data backup makes sure you’re keeping eyes and ears on the functioning and health of your backups. It’s a vigilant, ongoing process that involves:

  • Data Safety Monitoring: Keeping an eagle’s eye on your data backups.
  • Maintenance: Regular tune-ups to ensure everything’s running smoothly.
  • Testing: Regular drills to ensure you can bounce back from a data disaster.
  • Deletion of Obsolete Backups: Clearing out the digital clutter.

Data backups can’t be a set-it-and-forget-it exercise. Managed data backup will make sure your backups are happening, staying up to date, and ready when you need them.

Best Practices: The Secret Sauce to Effective Backup Management

For a long time, backup was simply throwing your files into a digital locker and calling it a day. But with the sophistication in the data that is being stored, as well as the bad actors trying to get to that data, it’s more about:

  • Sticking to a consistent backup schedule.
  • Having multiple backup locations.
  • Regularly testing those backup and recovery activities.
  • Using smart technologies to keep your storage space neat and tidy.

That’s the value of partnering with a managed backup provider. You’ll ensure that all of the above is happening, while freeing up your own resources to focus on what you do best—running your business. By partnering with a managed service provider like HBS for your data backup, you’ll gain the expertise and peace of mind that your data is safe, secure, and managed by pros.

For more information about managed data backup, or if you have specific questions about Managed Backup from HBS, please contact us.