Why It Is Essential to Simplify Cybersecurity and How to Achieve It

simplify cybersecurity

“Are we secure?”

If you’re a senior IT leader, you’ve probably heard this question (or some variation of it) many times.

Cybersecurity is a top concern. And for good reason—about 800,000 cyberattacks occur every year.

With that many attacks and the different ways bad actors can infiltrate your organization, a considerable chunk of CIOs say they plan to increase investment in cybersecurity in 2024.

But implementing various tools to combat different attack vectors can have an unintended consequence: Creating a level of complexity that actually works against your cybersecurity efforts, increasing risk, rather than reducing it. 

The Challenge of Complexity in Cybersecurity

The complexity of cybersecurity has escalated to a point where it's not just a technical challenge but a strategic business concern.

Organizations use many cybersecurity tools—up to 130 for large companies and 50–60 for medium-sized businesses

This complexity stems from many factors that interplay to create an environment that is often difficult to navigate and secure effectively.

Rapid Evolution of Threats

Cyber criminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated, employing advanced techniques and leveraging emerging technologies like AI to exploit vulnerabilities.

This constant state of flux means that the threats facing organizations today may differ vastly from those they will face tomorrow. The sheer speed at which these threats evolve requires continual vigilance and adaptation of security strategies.

An Increase in Security Tools

In response to the growing and evolving threats, the market has seen an explosion in the number of cybersecurity tools available.

Many organizations have a stack of security solutions, each addressing different aspects of cybersecurity. While these tools are designed to protect organizations, their proliferation has inadvertently contributed to the complexity that makes cybersecurity difficult to manage effectively.

Diverse IT Environments

Modern IT environments are no longer confined to on-premises infrastructure. The advent of cloud computing and adopting hybrid systems have added complexity to cybersecurity. Each environment— whether on-premises, cloud, or hybrid—has its unique security challenges and requirements

Impact of Remote Work

The global shift towards hybrid and remote work has further complicated the cybersecurity landscape. The traditional perimeter-based approach to security is no longer sufficient. Employees access organizational resources from various locations and devices, often outside the controlled office environment. This expansion of the business network perimeter introduces new vulnerabilities and potential entry points for cyberattacks

We’ve explored the why behind the complexity of cybersecurity; now, how do we simplify it?

Here are 6 principles you should follow to turn complexity into simplicity, without sacrificing security.

Principles of Simplified Cybersecurity

The quest for a simplified approach to cybersecurity is more than just reducing the number of tools you use. It's fundamentally about fostering a more manageable, efficient, and effective security stance. The need for a streamlined approach is paramount in an era marked by complex cyber threats. This does not necessarily mean a do-it-yourself project for organizations. It underscores the value of engaging with managed security services that embody these principles.

Principle 1: Streamlined Security Infrastructure

Consolidating security tools and working with fewer, more versatile vendors is the easiest and most obvious concept to make cybersecurity simplified. Providers of managed security services excel in offering such consolidation, providing comprehensive solutions that cover a broad spectrum of security needs.

Principle 2: Integration and Orchestration

Selecting security products that function independently and integrate and orchestrate harmoniously is critical. The more cohesive your security environment, the more secure your organization.

Principle 3: Centralized Data Management

The ability to centralize logs and data from various security sources simplifies workflow and strengthens enforcement. Managed security providers specialize in consolidating data, offering enhanced visibility and control over the security landscape.

Principle 4: Clear Communication

Cybersecurity policies should be clear and understandable, even to non-technical staff. A cybersecurity partner can aid in simplifying these communications, ensuring better compliance and a more robust overall security posture.

Principle 5: Organizational Cybersecurity Awareness

Cultivating a culture of cybersecurity awareness across the organization is vital. HBS can provide the tools and training necessary to enhance this understanding and employee participation.

Principle 6: Cybersecurity Hygiene

Adherence to cybersecurity best practices is a fundamental principle. Ensuring these practices are consistently followed is one of the best reasons to engage a managed security service.

Managed Security: A Key to Simplifying Cybersecurity

A managed security service partner (MSSP) can provide expert guidance and comprehensive solutions. At HBS, we’ve seen this firsthand, countless times—organizations that engage with our managed security services are able to focus on their core business activities while ensuring robust cybersecurity. We like to think of it as an “Easy Button” for organizations when it comes to simplifying their cybersecurity.

Expertise and Specialization

Managed security partners bring specialized expertise that most organizations need but don’t possess in-house. Their deep understanding of the cybersecurity landscape, including emerging threats and evolving technologies, provides an invaluable resource.

This expertise ensures that organizations are protected against current threats and prepared for future challenges.

Comprehensive Security Solutions

MSSPs offer a range of services that address all aspects of cybersecurity. From monitoring and threat detection to incident response and compliance management, these comprehensive solutions ensure that every facet of an organization's cybersecurity needs is covered. 

Streamlined Cybersecurity Management

By consolidating multiple security functions under a single managed service, organizations can significantly reduce the complexity of managing their cybersecurity.

This streamlined approach leads to more efficient operations, simplifying decision-making processes and integrating various security tools and practices into a cohesive system.

Access to Advanced Technologies

Managed security partners have access to advanced tools and technologies that might be beyond the reach of individual organizations. 

Focus on Core Business Functions

One of the most significant advantages of engaging with an MSSP is the ability to redirect internal resources toward core business functions. With a trusted partner managing cybersecurity, organizations can concentrate on growth and innovation, knowing experts handle their security.

Risk Reduction and Compliance Assurance

Managed security partners help organizations navigate the intricate web of regulatory compliance, ensuring adherence to industry standards and legal requirements. 

Scalable and Flexible Services

Managed security services are inherently scalable and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each organization. Whether scaling up to meet growing demands or adjusting to changing business models, MSSPs provide the flexibility to adapt to dynamic business environments.

Simplifying Cybersecurity in a Complex Landscape

Addressing your cybersecurity complexity is not solely about adding more tools to your organization’s arsenal. Instead, it's about crafting a cohesive, adaptable, and efficient cybersecurity strategy in harmony with the organization's overall objectives and the always-changing digital landscape.

Today's cybersecurity environment necessitates simplification not as a mere convenience but as a strategic imperative. The principles of a simplified cybersecurity approach provide a foundational roadmap, guiding organizations toward a more streamlined and effective security posture. 

However, the path to achieving this simplified state is often best navigated with the support of managed security services. Providers like HBS bring a wealth of expertise and comprehensive solutions, making them an efficient and practical choice for managing complex cybersecurity needs. 

These partnerships provide the necessary expertise and resources, allowing organizations to focus on their core business objectives while maintaining a strong and resilient cybersecurity framework

HBS is a proven partner ready to come alongside your organization and take on the complexity of cybersecurity so you can focus on what you do best. Reach out to HBS today.